TeleCollaboration ROCKS


TeleCollaboration ROCKS


Provide a menu of training options for healthcare professionals and associated learners across three states on the topics pediatric care, mental health, substance use disorder and chronic disease. 


TeleCollaboration ROCKS expands the training and telmentoring efforts throughout the state of Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma. We provide evidence-based trainings and asynchronous materials that support learning community models. Our telementoring audience includes clinicians in clinical and school settings (school counselors, therapists, psychologists, teachers). 


This program is funded by HRSA through the Telehealth Technology‐Enabled Learning Program Grant # UU7TH54332. 




Other distance/virtual training modalities (videos, toolkits, etc.)


  • TeleCollaboration ROCKS project will use the successful model developed over nine years of programming with Telehealth ROCKS to begin implementation from day one. Sustainability will be a focus throughout the project. 
  • Guided by the Telehealth ROCKS Network, engage stakeholders in the region-wide expansion of a technology-enabled collaborative learning and capacity building model in order to increase access to quality health care services.
  • To advance student health within the heartland region, implement a tele-training model that facilitates case-based learning, disseminates best practices, and evaluates outcomes associated with a menu of training options at all levels of the multi-tiered systems of support pyramid. 
  • To increase retention of healthcare providers and other professionals, develop, implement, and sustain a virtual community of practice for learners associated with student and whole family health across the workforce pipeline.
  • Drawing on resources from the Rural Telementoring Training Center, Heartland Telehealth Resource Center, and Telehealth ROCKS evaluation teams, advance validated measures and strategic evaluation across all program activities.

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